4th Choral Conducting Workshop & Seminar



4th Choral Conducting Workshop and Seminar

6 -8 JULY 2021


The International Choral Festival of Preveza invites conductors to apply to the 4th Choral Conducting Workshop and Seminar, led by Ambroz Copi (Slovenia) and Sofia Gioldasi (Greece).

 Laboratory Choir: Female Vocal Ensemble Voci Contra Tempo (Greece)



The Conducting Workshop & Seminar is Suitable for:

  • Early career conductors
  • Conducting students with university/conservatory training in music
  • Experienced conductors seeking to work with a high-level ensemble


Participation can be active or passive. The active participants will have the chance to work on equal voices choral repertoire with the Female Vocal Ensemble Voci Contra Tempo. Participants who wish to be active are kindly asked to send their CV with specified experiences in choir conducting. Any videos or online links that show the active participants conducting a choir will be more that welcome (but it is not obligatory). In consultation with the workshop leaders there will be a selection of the active participants to conduct at the Final Concert (7th July).

Maximum number of active participants: 8

Unlimited number of passive participants.

Participation fee for active participants: 200€

Participation fee for passive participants: 120€


From 8th of July 2021 to 11th of July 2021, the participants will have the opportunity to attend the 38th ICF of Preveza, in the frames of which the 26th international Choral Competition of Music will take place, but also to meet and discuss with conductors of the participating choirs, while the organizing committee of the festival will provide them with any kind of material they might need.


Workshop Schedule:

Tuesday, 6th of July 2021

10-1 Conducting Masterclass

3-5 Conducting Masterclass

7-8:30 Conducting Masterclass


Wednesday, 7th of July 2021

10-1 Conducting Masterclass

3-5 Conducting Masterclass

7-8:30 Conducting Masterclass

9.30 Pre-Concert


Thursday, 8th of July 2021

10-1 Conducting Masterclass

3-5 Conducting Masterclass

7-8:30 Conducting Masterclass

9.30 Final Concert


Application deadline: 15th of June 2021

Language of Instruction: English


All health protection measures against Covid-19 will be observed during the seminar.


Please contact for more information at armonia4@otenet.gr or prevezachoralfestival@gmail.com
